FAQs on ekey home/ekey multi/ekey net

How do I clean an ekey keypad ( code pad )?

Clean the ekey keypad ( code pad ) from time to time to remove dirt with a damp (not wet) non-abrasive cloth. Microfiber and glasses cloths are best suited, as are cotton swabs. Materials containing cotton, paper towels and paper handkerchiefs, kitchen sponges, moistened tea towels and kitchen rolls are not suitable. Use only pure water with no detergent additives.

If the ekey keypad needs to be disinfected, you can use aqueous and alcohol-based agents. The surface of the ekey keypad is very resistant to all common cleaning agents and disinfectants with an exposure time of less than 10 minutes.

What is an ekey FSX or an ekey module?

The ekey FSX is a complete finger scanner with an open data interface for connection to non-ekey systems. ekey module is an electronic assembly that can be integrated into third-party devices and systems and provides ekey biometric functions.

What maintenance do ekey finger scanner require?

The system is basically maintenance-free. The sensor surface of the finger scanner is practically self-cleaning due to the recurring use (swiping the finger). If the finger scanner does get dirty, clean it with a damp (not wet) non-abrasive cloth. Cotton swabs, microfiber and glasses cloths are suitable. All fabrics containing cotton, paper towels and paper handkerchiefs, kitchen sponges, moistened tea towels and kitchen rolls are not suitable. Use pure water with no detergent additives. Be careful in the sensor face area.

If it is necessary to disinfect the entire finger scanner including the sensor, you can use water-based and alcohol-based agents. However, these should be able to dry quickly in the sensor area. The paint on the finger scanner is very resistant to all common cleaning agents and disinfectants with an exposure time of less than 10 minutes.

In which temperature range can ekey finger scanner be used?

The system works reliably in a temperature range from -25 °C to +70 °C. ekey retrofit solutions, which are operated using a rechargeable battery, in a temperature range from -20 °C to +60 °C.

What is the difference between guarantee and warranty?

A guarantee claim only exists if a (always voluntary) guarantee declaration has been made, the guarantee is a legal obligation towards the consumer.

Since we are convinced that our products are made for the future, we grant a 36-month guarantee on all ekey products. Exception: Batteries and LCD displays purchased after October 1st, 2014.

Finger is badly recognized!

So that you can use your ekey product optimally, please note our>>> Tips & Tricks

What is meant by “enrollment”?

If you add a new user, their fingerprint must be scanned and saved (to enroll).

Is it possible to make a usable fake finger from a fingerprint left behind (e. g. on a glass) to open a door?

ekey relies on multiple safeguards against manipulation by fake fingers: whether the biometric features originate from the finger of a real person is checked on the one hand with the conductivity of the living skin when the finger is placed on the sensor, and on the other hand during the algorithmic evaluation of the data.

In addition, it is almost impossible to produce a usable fake fingerprint. With a lot of criminal energy, even more expert knowledge and the best laboratory conditions, the characteristics could be transferred to a fake finger.

Conclusion: possible in theory, hardly likely in practice.

ekey home app: How can I pair my mobile device with a new finger scanner ?

For the first pairing you need the device pairing code and the app security code. Both codes are factory set to 9999 .

  1. Start the ekey home app .
  2. Touch the input surface (Android) or press Search (iOS). The app searches for available Bluetooth devices.
  3. Select your ekey Bluetooth finger scanner .
  4. Android only : Press Sign in .
  5. Enter the factory device pairing code 9999 . (The status LED lights up blue, the function LED on the left lights up orange.)
  6. Press Next . The mobile device is paired with the Bluetooth finger scanner .
  7. Enter a new 6-digit device pairing code. You must change the factory device pairing code when pairing the system for the first time for security reasons. Make a note of this as it is required to pair other mobile devices.
  8. Press Change (Android) or Next (iOS).
  9. Enter the factory app security code 9999 .
  10. Press Next .

The connection between the Bluetooth finger scanner and the mobile device has been completed. The system is in normal operation.
You can now program and manage the fingerprint scanner access control system with the ekey home app .

ekey home app: How can I change a security code?

You can change any security code at any time:

  • the app security code
  • the admin pairing code
  • the user pairing code
  • the control unit security code
  3. Change the desired code.
  4. Press Change (Android) or Done (iOS).

The selected security code has been changed.

ekey home app: How can I set the user pairing code?

You can register a user pairing code.

  1. Start the ekey home app .
  4. Enter the desired user coupling code in the corresponding field.
  5. Confirm the entries with Change (Android) or Done (iOS).

You can give this user pairing code to a person of your choice.
With this user pairing code, this selected person can perform the following actions with their mobile device:

  • open a door;
  • Enable or disable the app security code;
  • change the app security code;
  • Reset the link between the finger scanner and your mobile device.

ekey home app: The finger scanner cannot be found via Bluetooth. What to do?

You can reactivate Bluetooth: Enter the admin menu and swipe any admin finger over the sensor. In the factory setting, the Bluetooth functionality is active. A power reset will therefore also reactivate the Bluetooth functionality.

ekey home app: Can you deactivate the app security code?

The 4 to 6-digit app security code is required for the security query for the app. You can deactivate the request for the app security code under ADMINISTRATION if your mobile device has secure locking mechanisms ( fingerprint scanner , code, etc.).

ekey home app: forgotten code—how can I reset the finger scanner ?

You can reset the coupling between the Bluetooth finger scanner and mobile device via the app if you have forgotten the app security code. The app security code is also reset to the factory value 9999 during reset.

  1. Start the ekey home app .
  2. Enter an incorrect app security code.
  3. Confirm your entry with Next .
  4. Select RESET PAIRING .
  5. Confirm the reset with Continue .

ekey home app: Is it possible to connect several finger scanners?

The ekey home app allows you to manage multiple Bluetooth finger scanners. To switch between two Bluetooth finger scanners, you must reset the coupling between the Bluetooth finger scanner and the mobile device.

When resetting the pairing, the stored relay names and user images are deleted. The user names and authorizations remain saved on the Bluetooth finger scanner .

  1. Start the ekey home app .
  3. Select RESET PAIRING .
  4. Confirm the reset with Continue .

The connection between the Bluetooth finger scanner and the mobile device has been reset.

You can now couple another Bluetooth finger scanner .

Can a door open automatically in the event of a power failure?

No. With an ekey fingerprint scanner access solution power failures cannot trigger an impulse that opens the door. Only an authorized finger can trigger this opening impulse.

Are my fingerprints saved in the ekey finger scanner ?

No. ekey does not store fingerprints. A pattern (template) is created from the biometric features of the original fingerprint, such as unique dots, line endings, forks, etc. This pattern is converted into a unique binary number code by the specially developed algorithm, saved and used for comparison each time.

ekey home app: How far away can the mobile device be from the finger scanner without interrupting the Bluetooth connection?

The wireless free-field range of the Bluetooth connection is 10 m. However, this can vary depending on the installation situation and building structure.

Do ekey finger scanner also work if I injure my finger?

Basically yes. Only in the case of severe injuries (deep cuts, severe burns, …) do problems arise with detection.
Our recommendation: Save (at least) a second finger, preferably from the other hand, to be on the safe side.

ekey home app: How can I deactivate the Bluetooth function?

In the factory setting, the Bluetooth functionality is active. You can disable Bluetooth functionality:

  1. Start the ekey home app .
  3. Select SYSTEM STATUS .
  4. Under BLUETOOTH SETTINGS, enable ” Turn off Bluetooth after 15 minutes “.

With this setting, Bluetooth on the finger scanner is deactivated after 15 minutes in one of the following cases:

  • No mobile device was connected;
  • At least one finger has been saved.

You can reactivate Bluetooth: Enter the admin menu and swipe any admin finger over the sensor.

How can I open my door in the event of a power failure?

For this dark moment, we offer a UPS – an uninterruptible power supply – for our access solutions. This keeps finger scanner , control panel and motor lock in operation for several hours. Alternatively, of course, a key can be used.

Does insurance cover exist with a fingerprint scanner access solution ?

For insurance protection, it is irrelevant whether the locking is triggered mechanically with a key or electronically with a fingerprint scanner . In principle, insurance cover only exists if access is properly locked. If a door just “falls into the trap”, it is not considered to be locked.

Can the ekey fingerprint scanner access solution be manipulated from outside to open the door?

No. The system cannot be manipulated from the outside. Not even through the use of force, because finger scanner and control panel are spatially separated. The opening impulse comes from the control panel in the protected interior area. Furthermore, the system cannot be manipulated via the Internet either, since it is not connected to it.

How secure is an ekey fingerprint scanner access solution ?

For its products, ekey guarantees the very highest standard of security against misuse and unauthorized access to the access control system.

ekey has taken the following recommendations and guidelines into account when developing, designing and manufacturing the products:

  • Recommendations of the Federal Office for Information Security www.bsi.bund.de
  • Recommendations by VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH (trust through security) for access control systems www.vds.de

In order to meet our quality standards when it comes to information, we have put together our own website for you with the most important and most frequently asked questions and the corresponding answers.

>>> Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions!

Are hidden access authorizations for the manufacturer stored in the system?

No. ekey has not stored any option (factory code, etc.) for opening by a technician in the system. The owner (also the administrator) is the only person who can reset the system to the factory settings using a 6-digit administrator code that he or she has defined himself.

ekey home app: how do you exit demo mode?

Under ADMINISTRATION and pairing reset ( continue ).

ekey control panel home surface-mounted or integra shows E2 on the display

The wrong security code was entered 3 times. The system will be locked for 30 minutes.
Enter the correct security code after 30 minutes. The 30-minute block only expires if the power supply and data connection are continuous.

If the lock does not expire after 30 minutes, contact ekey support >>> ekey TICKET SYSTEM

How many fingers/persons can be saved in an ekey home access solution ?

ekey home can save up to 99 fingers. We recommend storing 2 fingers per user.
Further information on the ekey home access solution can be found here.

Different LED statuses of the finger scanner

  • Status LED flashes orange: no bus connection to the control panel>>> Check the wiring or put the device into operation.
  • Status LED flashes blue: ready for finger enrollment (ekey home control panel mini, ekey home control panel micro, ekey home control panel micro plus).
  • Status LED lights up orange: ready for finger enrollment (ekey home control panel integra, ekey home control panel integra plus, ekey home control panel DRM).
  • All LEDs are red if the system is not yet in operation: lockout mode. You have five minutes after connecting to the mains voltage to put the system into operation and save fingers. Disconnect the system from the mains voltage and reconnect it to it. You can now enroll fingers.
  • Status LED lights up blue: Device is in normal operation.
  • Status LED suddenly flashes blue during operation: This error display can have several causes. Contact ekey support.
  • Status LED lights up green: Finger or RFID was detected.
  • Status LED lights up red: Finger or RFID was not recognized .
  • Status LED flashes red/green: The sensor of the finger scanner without RFID function is dirty or broken>>> Clean the sensor.
  • Status LED lights up blue and left function LED flashes red/green: The sensor of the finger scanner with RFID function is dirty or broken, but the RFID function is still working>>> Clean the sensor.
  • Right function LED flashes orange: You must change the operating concept. Switch from finger scanner administration using an admin finger to administration using a mobile device. If your finger scanner is not a Bluetooth finger scanner , reset your system to the factory settings and then put it back into operation.

ekey control panel home surface-mounted or integra shows E0 in the display

Valid for all surface-mounted and integra control units.
No data connection to the registration unit. Check wiring and power supply.

Why is the status LED suddenly flashing blue during operation?

This error display can have several causes. Contact ekey support.

Why are all the LEDs red on a system that has not yet been commissioned?

Your finger scanner is in lock mode You have five minutes after connecting to the mains voltage to start up the system and save fingers. Disconnect the system from the mains voltage and reconnect it to it. You can now enroll fingers.

Why is the right function LED flashing orange?

You have to change the operating concept. Switch from administering the finger scanner using an admin finger to administering using a mobile device. If your finger scanner is not a Bluetooth finger scanner , reset your system to the factory settings and then put it back into operation.

How can I update my finger scanner ?

You can update the finger scanner using your mobile device with the Android operating system. The update is not possible with an iOS operating system. You can also find the update information in the ekey home app under SYSTEM STATUS .

How many fingers/persons can be stored in an ekey multi access solution ?

ekey multi can save up to 99 fingers. We recommend storing 2 fingers per user.
Further information on the ekey multi access solution can be found here.

How many fingers can be saved in ekey net?

Depending on the performance of the computer, ekey net can manage several thousand users. Depending on which ekey-net terminal is used, between 40 and 2,000 fingers can be stored. Warning: The number of users is not the same as the number of fingers!

ekey net converter LAN not found?

Please note that every ekey net CV LAN supplied has the IP address ex works. In order to find this in your network, you should ideally also be in the 192.168.1.x range. You can manage the converter with the ekey net converter LAN config program installed.

In order for it to be found, you must observe the following points:

  • MAC address broadcast must be active in the network (various routers or layer 3 switches can block this),
  • Ports 58000-58018 must be available, disable firewall if necessary.

If your network uses different IP addresses (different subnet), you can search for the ekey net CV LAN using the Manual selection button or try to assign an IP using the MAC address.

If the configuration status of the ekey net CV LAN is unknown, reset it using the reset button (press for 5 seconds).

You can also connect directly to the ekey net CV LAN with a notebook that has a fixed IP address (e.g.: and give the device a suitable IP address for your network.

Windows DNS server update blocks ekey-net ports

The Microsoft DNS Security Service update 953230 (MS08-037) may block our UDP ports because the DNS service starts before and blocks the MS Message Queuing service.

Try stopping the DNS service and then restarting the MS Message Queuing service. If it then runs again, you can reserve the port in the registry.

You can find this at:

  • regedit
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters
  • RESERVED PORTS 58000-58019

If the field doesn’t exist yet, create a new one.

The field is a Type: multi-string value .

Where can I find the latest ekey net version 3?

If you want to update from a very old version e.g. 3.1 or 3.2 to ekey net generation 4.x, it is necessary to update to version 3.4.3 first, so that the database can be transferred correctly.

To do so, contact our support team: support@ekey.net.

How do I proceed with an ekey-net server move?

1. Install your license number on the new server. You can find this in the License Manager program or use the KFU files you received when you upgraded from 3 to 4.

If you do not have either, please contact our support with a copy of the invoice (all finger scanner that are mounted on the wall must be there).

2 . Back up the ekey net.netdata file from the old server. This can be found in one of the following directories:

c:ekey net DB
c:TOCA netDB


d:ekey net DB
d:TOCA net DB

3. Stop the following Windows services:

  • ekey service guard
  • ekey master server
  • ekey terminal server

4. Replace the new ekey net.netdata with your backup.

5. Start the above services.

It is now possible to log in with your old data. If necessary, assign the new PC NAME to the terminal server under Terminals .

6. Activate the license with the same email address as on the old server.

My ekey net client PC cannot log on to the server. What could be the reason?

If you cannot establish a connection to the master server on the client PC, this may be due to the following reason:

The HOSTNAME of the server cannot be resolved.
The network cannot find the server name on the network or gives up the search too quickly.
Try to ping the server (DOS prompt “ping servername”).
Try to ping the server (DOS prompt “ping IP address”).

Enter each other’s addresses in the hosts file on both the server and the client.

To do this, edit the c:windowssystem32driversetchosts file on the client.

Code: select all

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a ‘#’ symbol.
# ekeyserver

The client now knows that the ekey server has the IP 192.168.200. You do the same on the server!


# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a ‘#’ symbol.
# clientpc

Then restart both devices or enter the following in the command prompt: ipconfig /flushdns.

If this is not effective, please contact your network administrator and check firewalls and managed switches/hubs, if applicable.

I lost my ekey net license! What should I do?

The license key/number cannot be replaced.

Please first ask your retailer where you bought it. If the license number cannot be found there, please contact our support with a copy of the invoice >>> Contact support

Exploration on our servers is chargeable.

Can I still update an ekey net version 2 or 3?

The process here is relatively complicated, since various intermediate updates (e.g. to ekey net version 3.4.3) have to be carried out. This can only be done by an ekey partner! The updates are chargeable.

LAN converters from the manufacturer “MOXA” are no longer supported. ekey net CV LAN must be used here. Finger scanners, control panels, and LAN converters may have to be dismounted and sent to ekey.

The ekey net 4 licenses can be generated on the old system using the checkupdate.exe software or requested from ekey with your copy of the invoice (number of installed finger scanners).